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Sponsoring Tips From Black Status Leaders

Liz Medley

Laurenda Eddy

Michelle Bell

Kara Newton

Kanesha Morrison

Kere Knapp

Eric Worre - Network  Marketing Pro

Sponsor 20 People in 30 Days

Jess Parizek

Sponsor 20 People in 30 Days

Laurenda Eddy

Sponsor 20 People in 30 Days

Sponsoring Approach- "The Three C's"

Ela Whittaker

Shari Brown - Living the Sponsoring Lifestyle

Shari Brown was the FIRST person to become a MILLIONAIRE with Younique! She knows her stuff!!

Things to Remember:

1. What works for you, may not work for me!

Don't get discouraged if you try a new sponsoring approach and it's not working for you. That is the BEAUTY of this business! You get to do what works for you... NOT what someone tells you to do! Keep trying, combine methods and find what works best for you!

2. WE ARE NOT SPAMMERS! If someone says no, THAT IS OK! Don't keep asking them! It is OK to follow up with them down the road, but they get to decide! We have an incredible opportunity to offer... if someone doesn't want it, NO BIG DEAL! Always remember --> Would you join you? Would you join you if you were presented the opportunity from yourself? Look at how you talk to people from their perspective! If you don't like how you sound, change it up! :)

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